New Growth Aid

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  • Post category:Hair
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  • Reading time:2 mins read

I am at it again, being experimental with my hair/hair products. During my last stretch, I used JBCO as a growth aid for my hair. I aimed for 3 scalp massages a week, I also used it in my monthly inversions.

But I want to try something new: it’s the Groganics DHT BLocker System Grotivator Growth Moisturising Lotion. It claims to protect, weak hair, help to increase blood flow, strengthen follicles and promote strong, healthy hair. It should be used by people with advanced hair loss and severly thinning hair only.

I have heard of the Groganics brand, but only their hair vitamins which have received good reviews, but unfortunately we don’t get those in South Africa. I called the company that manufactures some of the products in the line, however they do not manufacture the vitamins here in SA.

_DSC1588I plan on using it as my only growth aid over this stretch since I have ditched the Hair, Skin and Nails Vitamins I was taking. The product can apparently be also used on the hair, but I will just keep it to scalp use only. It has mineral oil listed fourth on the ingredient list, after water, olive oil and glycerine, so I have to give my hair a weekly wash in order to prevent drying and breaking.

The product itself is a thick, creamy pale yellow liquid. It comes in a 236ml container and I bought it for R41 at my local wholesaler.

This Post Has 23 Comments

      1. Anna

        Hi Lung, I would like to try out the product my hair line is battling to grow. I just wanna know where I can find it

        1. Lungi

          Hi Anna, you can look for it at Dischem

  1. Riah

    Hi Lungi,

    I’ve been battling with hairline loss for the past 2 years now. I’ve used everything I can think of. Been reading your blog for a while & wanted to find out where you purchased the Groganics DHT blocker system

    1. Lungi

      Hi Riah, please check your e-mail. I’ve replied there

      1. Thando

        Hie Lungi. Nice hair.

        Is is possible that you can also inform me on where to get the grogarnics dht blocker system.
        I have been searching the net like nobody’s business. loool… and here I am.
        My hair has stopped growing.

        1. Lungi

          Hi Thando, you can find it at Dischem

          1. Thando

            wow, nice, thanks dear.

  2. Thobeka Mchunu

    Hi Lungi

    I am so loving your blog hey, Ive been reading from last night and woke to read again this morning:-). I’m transitioning from natural. Its my fourth month since I last relaxed. I’m planning to transition for 9months but after I saw that you cut your hair at 7.5 months I’m inspired to do the same…I want to see what I look like with short hair since the last time I cut was when I was a kid.

    I’m also struggling with my hairline, and would like to know where can I get the above product.

    1. Lungi

      Thanks for the blog love Thobeka!
      In terms of transitioning, I also wanted to rock the short hair look, but also have my hair long enough for some type of styling if I needed it.
      You can buy the Growth aid at Dischem stores, I’ve seen it in quite a number of them now.

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  4. Thando

    Hey Lungi.
    I’m looking for groganics products and I don’t know where to get them, I just saw your post and I’m wondering where you found it?

    1. Lungi

      Hi Thando, they’re available at Dischem

      1. Thando

        Can I ask which Dischem you saw them at? The ones I checked don’t know of the product.

        1. Lungi

          All the ones in Durban: Pavilion, Westwood Mall, La Lucia, Overport. I’m not sure about other locations.

  5. Anna

    Hi Lungi,were do I buy the product I would also like to try it since my hair line is thinning and not growing as the rest of my hair is.

    1. Lungi

      Hi Anna, you can get it at Dischem

  6. Valerie

    Hi any update on the product, did it promote hair growth

    1. Lungi

      Hi, I ended up not using it for long so I couldn’t track the results

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