My dear hair friend Lebo over at JourneytoBeautHair has started a series where she is going to feature on a monthly basis relaxed hair bloggers from South Africa and eventually through the whole of Africa. I think it is such an awesome idea and I love her passion for it.
I was thrilled when she asked to feature me *eek* – mind you I am nowhere near my hair goals at the moment. I was sent a list of questions to answer. Then she asked for some Before and After pictures – luckily I have been an avid picture taker on my hair journey, so I have a whole library of them.
Having to look at my Before pictures gave me a whole mix of feelings from a bit of embrassament *was I really walking around with such bad hair*, pride *I have really come far*, laughter *how sad looking was my bun*. I think the most overwhelming feeling was pride – it felt great to see the progress I have made and the knowledge I have gained!
I loved Lebo’s write up, I was smiling widely while I was reading it, and laughing out loud at her captions on some of my photos! Anyhoo, enough rambling, Click Here to read the article.
Thanks Lebo for the feature <3
I had so much fun writing up about you… its a pleasure and I would do it again in a heat beat
Congrats on the feature… Yeah looking at old pics gives motivation that you’re doing something right to your hair!
Thank you Becca!
I actually learnt a lot about you from Lebo’s feature! i am so excited about this series she’s going to do as well. And I realised i missed a whole post on where you buy your products in SA. I am heading over to that post now…
Thanks Kangopie, it’s an awesome idea. I am keen to read the future features 🙂