how i deal with sponsored content on my blog

So sponsored posts can be a contentious issue in the blogging world. I have seen people on other blogs commenting how the blog ends up looking like an advertising space when there is too much sponsored content. However, as a blogger it is also nice (more than nice) to earn some extra money on the side by doing sponsored content. So where does one draw the line? How much is too much? How about disclosure, how does that work out?

As far as I know, in South Africa there are no laws yet regarding brands advertising through blogs and how that should ‘look’ like and which guidelines to follow when a brand is sponsoring a blog post, Youtube video, Instagram photo and the lines. However, certain platforms like Instagram and Youtube have their own T&Cs with regards to sponsored content. So even though there aren’t any laws in SA, as bloggers – if you want your content to stay up on these other platforms; disclosure is necessary.

My blog has been running for about 11 months now in its current address, form etc. Over this time, it has grown and with this growth – opportunities are coming my way. I thought this is the best time to note my approach to sponsored content, so that I am open and transparent (like I’ve always been) and we are all on  the same page.

It has to fit
In terms of the products I choose to accept and the blogger campaigns that I agree to be a part of, there has to be some synergy with my blog. It wouldn’t be fair as a hair, beauty, travel, lifestyle blog to start reviewing products that don’t fit in with my blog. I am sure that you guys would see it from a mile away. It also wouldn’t feel authentic to me to write about products I am not passionate about just so I can get paid.

Paid or nah?
This is also one of my non-negotiables. I have always and will continue to mention whether on the blog, instagram if either a product was given to me for free, I was paid to review the product or I have been paid to share my thoughts on anything.  

Place it where I can see it
To add to the point above, all sponsored content will be clearly labelled so that readers will know upfront. You won’t have to read between the lines to find out if the content is sponsored or not.

Honesty at all times
As per usual, all content on the blog will be honest. I love my blog too much and have worked hard on it for me to throw away my credibility over making money. Finish en klaar!

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Lebo Kuty

    This post is soo necessary. its so important to be honest and remember why we are blogging. Good Job Lungi

  2. These are very good points, Lungi. I can’t get angry with bloggers that want to earn money. However, it looks disingenuous if you are posting things that don’t remotely relate to your theme. Being honest is key. Bloggers have a relationship with readers and it’s based on trust.

    Don’t Touch the Hair

    1. Lungi

      I agree, and once that trust is gone. I don’t think that it is easy to get it back

  3. Katleho

    Why endorse something you don’t subscribe to, or like for that matter?? All for money. No man…

    You preaching truth here!
    Great post!

  4. Ika

    This is such a great post, Lungi. Our readers trust us, so I think it’s always best to mention when paid for something. As a blog reader myself, I appreciate honesty.

    1. Lungi

      Yep, honesty is the best policy.

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