ByLungi featured in Sawubona digital magazine

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  • Post category:Travel
  • Post comments:4 Comments
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Over the years my blog has grown to include more travel content as I get more travel opportunities through my work and socially. So when I receive a message from fellow content creator Lumka Jwara about an opportunity to be featured on the SAA digital magazine, Sawubona to share about beauty and skincare while travelling – I immediately followed up on it.

Travelling is fun but it can wreck with your body because you’re usually out of your normal routine and are in an unfamiliar environment. And don’t gt me started about being on a plane for hours on end! I’ve come up with some ways to ensure that being away from home doesn’t mess up too much with my body and this is essentially the gist of the article.

The article was published on the 30th of January and I’m happy with how it came out. You can check it out by clicking here.

* I’ve updated my In The Press page

**If you enjoy my content, please show me some support by either following me on Instagram or subscribing to my YouTube channel or following on Twitter or all 3 🙂 – it really helps me out! Thank you.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Lungile

    Well done Lungi!!! I follow your blog and got some good ideas on what to pack when I took my first long haul flight last year

    1. Lungi

      Thank you girl 🙂 I get so happy when my blog is able to help you out

  2. Nomali

    Halala, ghel! It’s always such a nice feeling when what you do (no matter how small you think it is) gets recognised. Congra.

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