my favourite things // 2019 edition

This is my annual round up post of the best of the best of the year. These are the material items that made my year so much better, those that I put to very good use and those that brought me so much joy. So as we start off this new year, I wanna to give props to these items that lit up my days. You can read my favourite items of 2018 here.

Hasan Minhaj
I don’t even remember how I got to know of Hasan Minhaj but as soon as I did, I was hooked. He is an Indian-American comedian who was on The Daily Show but now hosts his own show, The Patriot Act on Netflix which I never miss. He is hilarious and very, very easy on the eye. I love that his show is funny while being educational. I’ve learnt a lot about Indian culture this past year just by consuming his content.

Nivea Sunscreen
I’m starting to feel like a broken record now when I speak about sunscreen and it’s importance in *all* our morning skincare routines. I was sent this Nivea sunscreen in PR and immediately fell in love – I am still using it on a daily basis and I see myself using it well into the future. The best thing about this sunscreen is the price, it’s so affordable!

bullet journal south africa

Bullet journalling
I took up bullet journalling in March 2019 and continued throughout the year. I love it mainly because it allows me to express my creativity and I get to make a pretty notebook where I can jot my daily tasks. I am so deep in the #bujo world right now, it’s not even funny! I am carrying on bullet journalling in 2020 and for as long as I can.

Pressure Cooker
You know you’re grown when you lust over kitchen appliances. I totally fell in love with my pressure cooker in 2019 – she really was that girl that made the pots.

The Jackie Aina palette

The Jackie Aina palette
Jackie Aina’s star has been rising in the beauty world and she is destined for the stars. When she released her palette in August I knew I had to get my hands on it and break my not buying makeup stance. It’s the palette I reach for the most when I wear eye makeup and it never disappoints.

Learning French
If there’s one thing to know about me is that I love learning! Taking French lessons in 2019 was one of the highlights of my year and I am quite amazed at the amount of knowledge I’ve been able to retain even though I stopped the lessons in June. The thing that I love most is how I was (and will be able to) understand my surroundings more when I am in Francophone regions! eek! I’m so excited.

I’m looking forward to 2020 and what it has to bring!

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Nomali

    I came to this post expecting to see the pressure cooker vele lol. It’t so nice to find and create joy bethuna.Another interesting post be my queen Mpilo’s favs as well.

    1. Lungi

      Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll definitely add Mpilo’s faves on my next one.

  2. Oreleona

    Nice faves especially the #buji life! I love bullet journaling! it is just so nice to be able to let your creativity show in your planner also most planners don’t have what I want in a planner so it only makes sense to make my own by bullet journaling!

    1. Lungi

      That’s definitely my rationale for bullet journalling, I like the customisation aspect

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