beach day with a toddler: the essential items you need

The festive season is synonymous with beach time for a lot of people. I know a lot of people love going to the coast on holiday around this time. If this is you & you’ll have your toddler/s in tow, this is the post for you. I will be sharing the essential items you need to have with you in order to have a successful beach day with a toddler.

essential items for beach day

I know that right now is not the best time to be at a packed beach in South Africa but one day (hopefully!) we’ll be able to go again and this post will be helpful to you. We had our last beach day, when I took these photos, in early November 2020.

My 3.5 year old has recently started loving going to the beach and she has an amazing time there – she’d spend the whole day in the water if we let her! I quickly realised that in order for both of us to have fun there are some essential items that I need to bring for her.

beach day with a toddler

Beach toys, R35

Flip flops, R23

Swimsuit, R170

Towel, R239

Sunscreen, R95

Sun hat, R45

Cooler box, R160

beach day
Tips to make your beach day with a toddler a success

Choose a quiet spot at the beach If the adults want to be seated on the sand while the toddler runs around (at a safe enough distance that you can quickly run to them). You want the spot to be quiet (also bearing in mind your safety, because, South Africa!)

Eat before you leave the house We typically spent 3 hours at the beach, so I get my daughter to eat before we leave home. She will only have snacks at the beach like yoghurt, fruit, juice etc. Our ritual is to go to McDonald’s before we head home.

Fresh water is a must Over and above for drinking also to rinsing off your toddlers face/eyes when sea water gets into them.

Beach day is one of our favourite outings when the weather is behaving, it gets my daughter outdoors without having to wear masks and she has the utmost fun. I hope this post helps you have a successful beach day with a toddler.

snacks for beach day with a toddler

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Nomali

    I can’t believe my fav is an architect . Great post. I definitely would have forgotten the practicalities of bottled fresh water.

    1. Lungi

      Definitely helps when your fave gets dunked underwater by a small wave

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