the types of journals i use in my daily life

I’ve always that type of person who likes documenting my thoughts and current happenings in my life. I somehow feel like if I don’t document it I will forget what happened. It’s also a way for me to reflect how far I’ve come in my life and how I’ve changed. Even with the technology that currently exists I’m still a pen to paper kind of girl. There is something very therapeutic about filling a blank page with my thoughts.

Prayer journal
I’m not the world’s most religious person (it’s complicated), but I do believe in praying to a higher power and have found that it helps me in my life. To help with my spirituality, I have a prayer journal which I use as a way to practice gratitude and to write my prayers on a regular basis. Writing down my worries, fears and anxieties helps me to get through them and to put them into perspective. And using it as a gratitude journal helps me to highlight the joys in my life, no matter how small because it is very easy to think that life is all doom and gloom, especially in these times.

Bullet journal
I’ve written many times about my bullet journal practice, click here and here to read those posts. My bullet journal helps me to keep track of all the admin and daily tasks in my life and I use it as a creative outlet.

One line a day journal
This is my newest venture and I’m so happy to report that I’ve been writing in it continuously since the 25th of May. It’s a way of capturing anything you want to about your day. The fun part (well for me) is that it is a 5 year journal, so you will get to see what you did/felt/was up to on that day each year for 5 years! If all goes well, this journal will be filled up on the 24th of May 2025!

Day to day diaries
From 1999 till about 2004 I kept a daily diary where I wrote the happenings and my feelings. All I can say is teenage Lungi was ALOT! So much angst, so many feelings! I wish I can go back to her and say it’s gonna be okay baby girl, trust the process. I’m definitely not a day to day diary type of person now but having the ones I have now is a reminder of how miniscule day to day challenges are in the bigger scheme of my life and this is the thinking I should be adopting even now.


This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Nomali

    The one line a day journal is so pretty! I stopped trying to keep a journal years ago because wu my brain is dark af. I do want to try a gratitude, positivity one. No long entries, jist bullet points

    1. Lungi

      The gratitude journal is a very low stakes one to do

  2. Oreleona

    ooh nice, I write my prayer journal and bullet journal in the same book. I used to also do a day log earlier this year and it helped me get my emotions sorted out but now I am content and don’t have much to say I’ve been looking on how to keep journaling daily but not feel like I have to write lengthy things! I like this one line a day journal idea!!and your journal sooo cute

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